Love: Lost and Found

Between the buzz spreading all over the internet after the release of Laapataa Ladies on Netflix, discussions about the feminism portrayed in the movie have taken the center stage, and rightfully so. The film masterfully captured the essence of female empowerment and resilient without making men seem any lesser beings. It offered a poignant portrayal of women navigating the complexities offered by their life with courage and grace. However, amidst the spotlight on feminism, there is another theme which struck a chord in my heart- the pure and innocent love shared between central characters, Phool and Deepak. While feminism rightfully commands my attention, it is the simplicity and authenticity of their love story that captured my heart and left a lasting impression.

Phool and Deepak’s story is like something straight out of a fairy tale, but with a charming twist. Picture this: their journey begins with the whirlwind of an arranged marriage setup. Yeah, you heard that right! But trust me, it’s not the typical arranged marriage saga we often hear about. These two quickly turn the scene upside down, infusing it with their own brand of sweetness and genuine affection for each other. After tying the knot, Deepak and Phool found the time to spend with each other in the cozy comfort of Phool’s home. It is very evident from the moments they spend with each other and stealing the glances that they were made for each other. From strolls in the farm in the evening to praying together in the temple, they soaked every moment together.

Amidst the time when we are more accustomed to see the grand flashy gestures of love, Phool’s and Deepak’s simple gestures like stealing glances, sharing smiles and even sitting silently together got us charmed. And when Deepak finally mustered up the courage to confess his love to Phool, unlike any Bollywood movie-without any drama but with whole heart- it was something that touched everyone’s hearts.  Yes, their love story may have started in
the traditional setting of an arranged marriage setup, but it is anything but ordinary.

We saw Deepak’s journey to find rollercoaster ride which was a whirlwind of worry, determination and unwavering faith in the power of love. From the moment he realized his bride was switched with someone else’s, his heart raced with fear and his mind got clouded with uncertainty. But between all this, there was one thing which remained crystal clear: his love for Phool, which knew no bounds and he was ready to move heaven and earth back together to bring his wife back home. As hours turned into days, we see his worry getting deeper. He and his friend reached and looked at each railway station possible to find the lost bride.

Meanwhile, Phool’s love for Deepak was a beacon of unwavering faith in the stormy sea of uncertainty. From the moment she found herself alone in the station in the dark night she started looking for him. Even as the days stretched and people started pouring doubt whether Deepak was really looking for her or not, Phool’s confidence remained unshaken. Amidst the whispers of skepticism and shadows of fear she stood tall with her beacon of hope in darkness. She refused to succumb even for a second to the doubts that would threaten her faith, choosing to trust in the power of love for Deepak. As days kept passing, she clung to the familiar comfort of her red saree, a symbol of unwavering faith on Deepak. She wore it like a badge of honor, refusing to change it for the fear that it would make it easier for Deepak to find her when he was here.

The magic was this mutual love, faith and confidence they both had for each other. Even when apart and clouded with uncertainty, one thing that was certain was that they will be reunited with each other.  Both were
presented with doubts from people they were with, Deepak’s friends questioning Phool and if wouldn’t she had come back if she wanted to, and Manju mai raising question to Phhool that the same guy who left you would come looking for you.

Even though both are innocent and calm people, the confidence they had in each other is purely blissful to watch. And when at last we see them find their way back to each other, Phool calling his name and both running towards each other for a hug, each of the viewer’s heart sourced with joy watching how their love had conquered every obstacle in its path. In that moment, as they held each other, they knew their bond was unbreakable, knowing it had weathered the storm and emerged stronger than before.

In a world where everyone seems to be chasing the grand gestures with grand expectations, the story of Phool and Deepak reminds us of the simple and the most important factors that truly matter in love. They show us that honesty, loyalty, faith and confidence in each other and the love shared are the real pillars of a strong and lasting relationship.

While many people seek the extravagant display of affection, Phool and Deepak found solace in the sincerity of their love and unwavering trust they had on each other they taught us that it is not about flashy gestures or material possession, but rather about the deep connection and understanding that comes from being honest and loyal to one another.

In the world filled with distractions and noise, Phool and Deepak’s story is a gentle reminder of what is essential in love. It is about being there for each other through thick and thin, standing by each other’s side no matter what obstacles life may throw at you. And in the end, it is this simple yet profound bond that brings them the greatest happiness and fulfillment, prove that true love is found in the quite moments of honesty, loyalty and unwavering faith.


Author: Surabhi Pandey

Welcome to my digital haven, where the complexities of the human experience take center stage. I'm Surabhi Pandey, a Counseling Psychologist dedicated to unraveling the intricacies of mental health and delving into the intersections of psychology, politics, and society. Here, you'll find a blend of professional insights and personal reflections, crafted with care and a genuine desire to connect. From navigating the labyrinth of the mind to exploring the broader landscape of societal issues and politics, this space is yours to explore. So, settle in, and let's embark on a journey of exploration and understanding together. Your insights and perspectives, whether on psychology or the world at large, are always welcome here. Happy Reading :)

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