The Journey Begins

Thanks for joining me!

Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton.

So, here I am welcoming all you readers to have a deep vision of the life of mine. The reason I am beginning to write it all down here is just like any other introvert’s. The feeling that I have no one who would willingly listen to my banters . I’ve read that words penned down can describe our story more beautifully than the ones spoken. So, here I am. Just a self deprecated human trying to share my thoughts, ideas,fears and myself. Hope this journey lasts long because I do give up easily.

Smiles,and hugs .

P.S. I am someone who wants to know the story of everyone . Yes, yours too. Please just contact me if anyone want to talk about anything. You may lay your faith upon me . And I don’t promise to solve your problems but will always love to hear .



Author: Surabhi Pandey

Welcome to my digital haven, where the complexities of the human experience take center stage. I'm Surabhi Pandey, a Counseling Psychologist dedicated to unraveling the intricacies of mental health and delving into the intersections of psychology, politics, and society. Here, you'll find a blend of professional insights and personal reflections, crafted with care and a genuine desire to connect. From navigating the labyrinth of the mind to exploring the broader landscape of societal issues and politics, this space is yours to explore. So, settle in, and let's embark on a journey of exploration and understanding together. Your insights and perspectives, whether on psychology or the world at large, are always welcome here. Happy Reading :)

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